MSG eG and AVIDA NAVIGATION SRL, Galati/Romania, have founded MSG Danube Logistics SRL. The new company is based in Galati, the power centre of Romanian inland shipping.
With MSG Danube Logistics, the Würzburg-based company is expanding its activities and network in South-East Europe. The newly founded company will also be a welcome point of contact and local competence centre for all MSG skippers.

The cooperation between the local AVIDA and MSG will be further intensified in the course of this new foundation. The two Romanian engineers Coreliu Barbu and Vlad Dobrai, who act as managing directors of MSG Danube Logistics alongside an MSG representative, are working closely with the MSG shipyard in Dorfprozelten to consistently expand technical expertise in the region.

Galati, an important industrial centre in Romania, has a population of around 220,000 and is the second largest training centre for inland navigation operators in South-Eastern Europe.

‘We want to continue to create a link between East and West and the continent’s important industrial and commercial centres,’ says Martin Staats, CEO of MSG eG. ‘We believe that AVIDA and MSG are good partners to expand the network continuously in Romania, recognising and promoting talent and thus further advancing inland shipping.’